Upgrade your team to Premium

Unlock new features on EasyCoach by upgrading your team to Premium. For only €35 a year, the whole team will recieve the benefits of the Premium team.

I have read and agreed to the terms for the EasyCoach subscriptions, found in the box below

The EasyCoach Premium subscription will continue year-to-year until terminated. You unsubscribe by clicking "Cancel subscription" at https://easycoach-app.com/team. Unless you cancel your membership before your yearly billing date, you authorize us to charge your next years's membership fee to the payment method given. Cancelling the subscription does not result in refunds of already payed membership fees.

The terms above does also apply to the 30 day free trial. When the free trial is finished, you automatically start the payed Premium subscription unless you have cancelled the membership.

You have to accept the terms before you are able to continue the upgrade.